Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Team - click on the Team Name

Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 TRAVIS 44 30 35 37 4 9 159 101.981st
5 NIXON-23 40 3 13 7 20 60 77.812nd
2 LUSK 42 -30 45 25 8 -20 70 75.743rd
3 DE LUCA 0 1 6 -8 29 18 46 73.944th
13 DURRANT 0 8 -3 20 33 -9 49 73.695th
8 WARD 22 -9 31 -37 8 7 22 68.506th
12 COUZNER-42 7 31 -47 26 29 4 67.257th
15 DUNCAN 23 8 -8 8 -8 -7 16 64.338th
9 LEACH 38 -6 8 -13 -33 25 19 64.199th
4 FOREMAN 9 9 -16 47 -4 -18 27 63.7510th
20 LOWE-35 38 -6 -7 -7 19 2 58.6511th
10 MATTHEWS 35 6 -35 -20 -26 47 7 58.2712th
14 SMITH-9 38 -31 7 -29 8 -16 55.2013th
7 KITE 32 -8 16 -19 -7 -29 -15 53.8414th
11 TREGENZA-44 -7 15 36 -8 -19 -27 52.3515th
16 QUAST-3 -8 -31 -9 0 22 -29 50.5216th
17 DE CAUX-32 -40 9 9 7 -8 -55 48.1417th
6 MOLLER 3 -1 -45 -36 35 -19 -63 44.4718th
18 BRADY-22 -38 -15 37 0 -47 -85 37.7419th
19 COTTAM-38 -38 -9 -37 -35 -22 -179 12.1720th