Hand RecordsPossible SubstitutesRecord a Substitution Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Net ImpsVPSPlacing
2 WILLIAMS4239141318471627 216 129.621st
5 SMYTH3065-1415435466-31 228 118.662nd
14 DUNNE-243-123211101531 66 96.393rd
6 HILDITCH2611-2621-617-1634 61 94.674th
1 ZOLLO24-11231-1831-6662 46 91.325th
3 DE LUCA-5626-17-542314 16 88.486th
4 LORIMER1251-2-156-4717-14 8 81.567th
17 MACEY-142426-7-1025-27-1 78.898th
12 GRUND-12-66-26-1130-832 5 78.869th
9 COOKE14392-13-4326-15-34-24 74.9910th
7 PORTER-16-2121-1-8-2313-24 73.8411th
15 FLEET-26-331-111-31-253-41 70.3012th
8 NORRIS40-39-23-171-30232-43 69.4313th
20 DE KREY-30-24-1347-127-13-43 69.1514th
18 BEVAN-404-6-32281-3-3-51 68.7615th
16 BREMNER-42-4134110-17-17-32-48 68.6816th
13 MOTTERAM-37249-21-1188-62-82 66.8817th
11 ABDELHAMID16-39-9-41-7133-2-66 66.7718th
10 FOREMAN37-65-417-10-26-27-4-82 64.2119th
19 NIKOLIC5-51-31-4-28-13-234-141 48.5420th