Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Team - click on the Team Name

Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 HARMS 66 10 42 36 33 31 218 110.341st
2 LUSK 45 34 -42 -7 29 67 126 84.462nd
4 FOREMAN 51 -10 30 7 8 -5 81 78.443rd
11 VNUK-5 -21 4 13 4 5 0 61.334th
15 MORITZ-1 12 -2 -10 -4 9 4 61.105th
5 GERBER 28 -1 -30 10 -29 12 -10 59.186th
7 ALLANSON 1 5 -33 -13 2 31 -7 58.377th
10 ANGOVE-66 12 6 -68 27 5 -84 56.728th
8 LEACH 5 1 2 -8 7 -31 -24 54.479th
6 NETTLE 32 -34 33 -36 -7 -5 -17 54.4710th
3 DE LUCA 2 -5 -8 68 -33 -9 15 53.4111th
9 STOKES-28 21 8 8 -8 -67 -66 51.7612th
12 HANN-45 10 -4 -15 -2 16 -40 51.5113th
16 WILSON-51 -12 1 15 8 -12 -51 50.0114th
13 DURRANT-2 -12 -6 13 -8 -16 -31 48.4015th
14 BRADY-32 -10 -1 -13 -27 -31 -114 26.0216th