Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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All Scores - click on the Round Number
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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
2 ZOLLO 4 35 48 21 8 21 137 97.261st
7 SMITH 25 7 21 -21 -8 36 60 76.402nd
12 BREMNER 13 -10 5 7 30 4 49 75.773rd
8 BAKAS 14 10 -10 5 16 8 43 75.624th
5 FALLON 3 32 -21 -5 13 16 38 71.405th
15 BROOKS 9 -6 -5 24 22 -8 36 70.076th
1 SMOLANKO 26 -6 -16 -24 40 25 45 69.707th
3 DE LUCA-9 50 10 6 8 -21 44 69.188th
13 LEACH-26 20 -3 3 39 -4 29 66.739th
24 FRICK-13 17 23 19 -8 -36 2 62.0410th
23 JAHN 6 -35 3 -15 19 9 -13 59.0311th
9 ALEXANDER 11 6 16 -6 -16 -16 -5 58.5912th
17 HEALEY-3 9 16 -19 -39 13 -23 56.5113th
18 ATKINSON-14 -17 2 -14 33 2 -8 54.8814th
14 KITE-4 -11 -4 15 -13 3 -14 54.4115th
6 PEARSON 14 -7 -16 -3 15 -25 -22 53.1516th
11 SAVAGE-6 11 -23 25 -30 -2 -25 52.8317th
22 NEUMEISTER-1 -9 3 16 -22 -9 -22 52.5218th
21 BURKE-11 -50 5 15 -40 27 -54 51.3319th
4 SHILLING 28 6 -48 -7 -15 -3 -39 51.1820th
16 BRADY-28 -20 -5 14 -11 13 -37 49.0021st
10 JONES 1 -32 -2 -15 11 -13 -50 45.0722nd
19 MICKEVICS-25 5 4 -16 -19 -13 -64 39.8123rd
20 MCGAFFIN-14 -5 -3 -25 -33 -27 -107 27.5224th