Pair Session Summaries
Pairs 1 to 10 Pairs 11 to 20 Pairs 21 to 30 Pairs 31 to 40 Pairs 41 to 48



Morning Hand Records

Afternoon Hand Records

 Pair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TotalPlacing
1 Roger Januszke & John Zollo 70.50 36.65 67.08 45.37 74.22 68.01 68.01 65.19 164 1
11 Alison & John Sturgul 57.76 61.18 64.29 58.94 70.19 52.17 57.14 34.81 154 2
16 Sharmini Hoole & John Smith 63.66 46.58 65.53 54.63 49.07 57.14 64.60 51.21 149 3
8 Phil Gallasch & Graham Pellen 43.17 75.78 70.81 58.60 72.98 47.83 31.99 62.11 147 4
3 Attilio De Luca & Gary Deaton 63.04 61.80 72.67 31.15 50.93 52.80 59.32 50.96 146 5
2 Cathy Chua & Justin Williams 71.74 63.35 48.76 41.40 69.57 64.60 42.86 48.79 143 6
12 Alex McAuley & Bill Nash 47.52 54.66 59.94 46.86 54.66 58.39 67.08 49.04 140 7
7 Keith Barrie & Tim O'Loughlin 68.32 63.04 27.33 50.12 25.78 66.46 67.39 58.35 139 8
5 Gordon & Jeff Fallon 65.22 38.20 67.39 49.88 70.50 35.40 46.58 63.26 137= 9
14 Bill & Susan Emerson 48.45 53.73 40.06 73.07 38.51 52.80 63.04 67.55 137= 9
6 Dianne Marler & Heather Renton 63.98 72.36 51.24 41.06 47.83 61.18 35.40 54.01 134 11
19 Margaret Banks & Shirley Slinger 66.46 50.31 29.19 52.39 48.76 67.39 64.29 41.65 132 12
38 Ern Della & Peter Teubner 51.55 66.46 35.71 70.87 30.43 51.86 41.61 80.71 131 13
4 Rosemary Grund & Adrienne Kelly 68.94 36.96 59.01 61.34 52.17 47.20 53.42 37.89 130 14
47 Raymond & Rita Jones 46.27 44.10 50.00 52.48 63.66 54.35 55.59 45.99 127 15
25 Cecily & Obbie Reiziger 29.50 67.08 50.31 77.58 54.97 38.82 32.61 77.61 126 16
30 Mary Gribble & Kathy Scicluna 36.02 40.99 50.93 70.43 58.70 58.39 58.39 36.74 124 17
18 Helen Mander & Tony Souter 78.57 49.69 76.71 68.85 29.81 31.99 32.92 51.89 123 18
17 Yvette Bolaffi & John Pearson 74.22 50.31 45.65 53.14 29.50 41.61 47.83 69.75 122 19
37 Brian & Carolyn Leach 51.86 33.54 61.18 57.73 61.49 42.86 35.71 52.45 121 20
10 Carole & John Foreman 67.70 49.69 59.01 59.16 27.02 41.61 44.41 48.11 120= 21
27 Claire Geller & Marie McMahon 36.96 43.17 38.82 61.74 67.08 33.54 53.11 68.60 120= 21
48 Julie Lindsay & Julia Thompson 52.80 34.16 60.87 42.27 36.34 69.88 52.17 50.53 119= 23
13 Di Dunne & Edi Sfreddo 48.14 46.27 39.13 53.57 43.17 57.45 61.80 48.79 119= 23
20 Eve Shillito & Lindsay Wills 53.73 50.00 32.92 67.39 51.24 69.25 40.68 32.45 118 26
24 Judy Quinn & John White 47.20 62.11 34.47 54.44 42.86 47.20 49.07 59.10 118 26
28 Patricia Dinan & Joan Riley 31.06 45.03 61.18 57.80 57.14 48.14 40.68 51.21 118 26
15 Gopal Hingorani & Angela Norris 65.84 27.64 49.69 45.56 56.83 32.61 46.58 80.16 117 28
9 Yvonne Dennis & Sandy Leach 54.66 50.00 32.61 47.52 56.83 59.32 59.32 19.29 116 29
22 Bronny & Peter Colmer 49.69 65.84 40.99 29.13 51.24 56.21 67.08 22.39 115= 30
42 Ron Armstrong & Hille Heymann 21.43 68.01 54.04 53.85 45.34 40.68 51.86 49.47 115= 30
39 Peter De Krey & Libby Lock 34.16 60.25 63.04 38.66 55.59 45.65 36.96 51.65 114= 32
33 Heather Braid & Judy Maloney 45.34 37.89 50.00 54.10 48.76 52.80 48.14 52.14 114= 32
23 Marlene Forgan & Jean Richmond 53.73 36.96 60.25 46.15 44.41 43.79 41.93 65.50 113 34
32 Patricia McGaffin & Neil Welch 56.83 38.82 49.07 26.93 60.56 50.62 50.93 48.35 112= 35
21 Val Churchill & Gene Efinger 62.42 53.42 23.29 47.61 41.30 49.38 53.42 47.86 112= 35
44 Gerry Krawtschenko & Barbara Sumpter 46.27 55.90 40.99 42.20 35.40 34.78 56.83 69.91 107 37
36 Michael Barianos & John Gilchrist 52.48 63.04 54.35 43.70 45.03 30.75 32.92 47.55 106 39
29 Arthur & Audrey Porter 34.78 59.01 36.96 59.16 43.17 47.20 58.07 30.25 106 39
40 Bruce & Wendy Watt 36.34 39.75 38.20 30.84 63.66 59.94 65.22 40.90 106 39
35 Kay Crossan & Maureen Wilson 42.24 24.22 61.80 40.84 39.44 68.01 56.21 31.40 103 41
34 Raymond Daws & Margaret Muller 32.30 56.52 39.75 45.90 49.07 30.12 43.17 66.74 101 42
46 Carol Davey & Georgie Tregenza 50.31 45.34 50.93 22.42 50.93 48.76 46.89 34.50 96 44
26 Iris Hughes & Kay Weeks 28.26 32.92 41.61 69.16 49.07 65.22 38.20 33.26 96 44
45 Ros Durrant & Anne Pitcher 37.58 56.83 45.96 32.61 50.93 42.55 34.78 54.97 96 44
31 Dee Baird & Helen Kite 31.68 54.97 38.82 46.43 56.83 51.24 43.79 19.84 93 46
41 Judy Casley-Smith & Jenny Pulsford 25.78 31.99 58.39 29.57 36.34 31.99 58.70 45.03 80 47
43 David Atkinson & David Hart 33.54 43.48 49.07 38.26 43.17 40.06 41.30 30.09 75 48