Hand RecordsPossible SubstitutesRecord a Substitution Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ImpsVPSPlacing
4 DE LUCA 53 28 48 -9 20 50 8 23 221 126.061st
2 DOECKE 23 58 4 9 56 7 13 56 226 125.692nd
1 ZOLLO 33 -6 19 23 -20 27 -13 19 82 99.153rd
5 TRAVIS 78 -27 75 -23 22 -7 -8 27 137 95.224th
3 FALLON 71 27 -48 22 -56 22 -10 14 42 89.595th
9 CLARKE 17 23 -4 30 6 -50 10 -19 13 86.556th
7 BABISZEWSKI 28 6 -75 48 -6 -22 42 -23 -2 83.157th
12 FLEET-28 -2 14 9 31 -27 -26 39 10 81.838th
13 MALONEY-23 16 -48 13 8 18 26 -27 -17 80.139th
10 GRUND 40 -28 -19 5 -31 -17 20 12 -18 75.1210th
15 BREMNER-78 -4 2 -13 9 26 41 -56 -73 73.2911th
18 BROOKS-17 -4 -12 -9 -9 23 20 -14 -22 72.3512th
6 HOLLANDS 21 -58 35 -22 0 -13 26 -39 -50 71.9513th
19 LUKE-53 -12 -2 8 6 17 -26 7 -55 70.8414th
11 WAGNER-1 4 48 -30 -22 13 -42 -12 -42 69.1315th
14 DUNNE-33 2 18 -48 -6 10 -20 5 -72 66.1516th
8 ABDELHAMID 1 -23 12 -5 0 -18 -41 10 -64 65.9717th
20 LEACH-21 -16 -14 -8 16 -26 12 -5 -62 63.6618th
16 ROUGHAN-71 4 -18 12 -8 -23 -12 -7 -123 55.9919th
17 ALEXANDER-40 12 -35 -12 -16 -10 -20 -10 -131 48.2020th