Hand RecordsPossible SubstitutesRecord a Substitution Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Team - click on the Team Name

Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ImpsVPSPlacing
6 CLARKE 39 -3 42 0 8 18 28 43 175 118.731st
5 FALLON 40 3 -30 53 4 37 24 49 180 116.812nd
11 ABDELHAMID-3 34 30 0 -23 23 8 -8 61 93.703rd
14 WAGNER 5 65 6 37 -8 -37 -8 -5 55 87.004th
10 FLEET 17 20 -6 -53 4 52 -28 8 14 84.945th
7 FOREMAN-5 -8 18 24 23 -18 -24 3 13 82.806th
17 ALEXANDER-17 13 13 -37 29 11 -58 18 -28 79.737th
15 BROOKS-14 -13 15 36 -4 -23 46 -43 0 77.618th
8 GRUND 14 -20 -18 22 -29 14 -7 5 -19 76.009th
9 WELLMAN 12 -65 -15 -14 2 16 58 -49 -55 71.0210th
16 FRANCO-12 -34 47 -24 -4 -11 7 -16 -47 65.2811th
13 MALONEY-39 33 -13 -36 -2 -52 34 -3 -78 63.9212th
18 LEACH 3 8 -42 -22 -18 -16 -34 16 -105 56.6213th
12 NIXON-40 -33 -47 14 18 -14 -46 -18 -166 45.8414th