Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
2 DE LUCA 38 24 30 4 7 37 140 98.991st
1 WILLIAMS 32 33 -30 37 10 3 85 83.562nd
3 BIRD 67 -24 17 10 7 -3 74 73.723rd
4 ABDELHAMID 13 15 32 -4 -10 -2 44 72.294th
8 HOOLE 37 -33 -5 6 57 2 64 71.775th
6 BAKAS 27 -3 -17 18 33 -37 21 66.306th
5 FALLON 11 -15 -11 38 -7 13 29 66.177th
7 SHILLING 27 3 1 -37 1 11 6 64.738th
11 KITE 1 24 -1 -10 -33 36 17 63.949th
12 PUSKAS 23 -21 11 18 -7 -11 13 63.6410th
19 YOUNG-27 16 0 -38 21 33 5 63.6511th
10 KENNARD-33 10 28 -18 -19 29 -3 58.9712th
13 KNIGHT-32 40 5 -18 19 -13 1 58.6613th
14 FITZGIBBON-38 -10 11 -3 0 18 -22 55.5414th
16 HARMS-13 4 0 -29 0 10 -28 52.5515th
21 BLYTHMAN-10 -4 -28 18 -15 5 -34 49.3316th
9 JONES 10 16 -32 -6 -1 -36 -49 48.4917th
17 STOKES-11 -16 10 29 -57 -18 -63 46.4118th
18 BROWN-27 -16 -8 3 13 -29 -64 41.2619th
15 HAAN-67 10 -10 -18 -13 -10 -108 35.5520th
20 HAINES-37 -40 -4 8 -2 -41 -116 31.6421st