Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 WILLIAMS 36 18 18 10 42 -17 107 89.221st
2 PARROTT 16 -25 9 15 26 27 68 82.242nd
3 SMITH 33 17 -1 -12 14 17 68 80.473rd
6 BAKAS 19 24 1 28 -42 29 59 80.274th
7 GRUND 17 25 8 -10 -14 9 35 71.085th
17 NEUMEISTER-16 1 20 7 25 -2 35 70.826th
4 FOREMAN 30 -17 21 -28 31 2 39 70.667th
5 PEARSON 16 46 -18 12 4 -27 33 67.698th
8 SHILLING 49 -18 15 18 -4 -29 31 65.369th
12 LEACH 1 -14 6 -7 51 -9 28 61.6710th
10 BUTCHER-15 -15 -19 42 24 1 18 61.0011th
14 JONES-16 15 8 -18 5 -1 -7 58.4712th
15 MROCZEK-33 -3 19 36 -26 1 -6 58.1313th
19 CHAPMAN-17 -1 11 34 -31 -1 -5 57.9014th
23 DONOGHUE 0 -8 -6 -17 15 10 -6 57.7215th
11 MUNRO 0 14 -8 -15 -24 26 -7 56.9916th
13 ALLANSON-36 24 -9 17 -25 11 -18 56.9517th
9 WILSON 26 -24 -21 12 -5 -10 -22 52.2618th
24 HOOPER-1 8 -15 -34 5 -11 -48 46.4419th
18 JAHN-19 16 -8 -36 -5 2 -50 45.7120th
21 BOTH-26 -16 2 15 -51 -4 -80 41.2521st
16 COLEMAN-30 3 -11 -12 -15 4 -61 40.8522nd
22 JACOBS 15 -46 -20 -15 1 -26 -91 36.2923rd
20 VENNING-49 -24 -2 -42 -1 -2 -120 30.5824th