Bridge Education
Learn to Play Bridge
The SA Bridge Federation has a policy covering the education and training of club, state and national directors. This document, along with other useful material for directors of all levels can be found below. Anyone looking to become a club director should direct their enquiry to: All information is provided with the permission of the author and can be downloaded as required.
The documentation listed below is provided as support to club teachers. It is posted to this website with the full permission of the authors. Additional information can be sought from the SA Bridge Federation by sending an email request to:

NZ Bridge Federation Materials

Joel Geeske Materials
Joel Geeske is a German National who now resides in New Zealand. She is an international player of considerable repute who is passionate about sharing her knowledge with players and bridge teachers alike. Please see the below links to her website and some instructional slides on how to be a better bridge player.

Real Bridge Materials
An online conference for bridge teachers was hosted on Real Bridge