Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ImpsVPSPlacing
2 BARTLEY 17 32 -1 12 31 12 1 104 101.741st
1 ABDELHAMID 12 46 1 -12 -3 -2 32 74 86.992nd
6 BROOKS 25 19 7 10 -31 12 -1 41 85.703rd
3 BAKAS 38 -2 24 -10 3 -12 8 49 82.174th
7 HEALEY 25 -32 1 3 31 6 1 35 81.915th
4 EVANS 48 2 -7 12 -2 -6 -1 46 78.766th
8 FRASER 32 -19 -24 56 2 2 -2 47 76.017th
5 KITE-9 12 -1 9 23 -12 -8 14 73.558th
11 DAVIES-17 3 -24 -29 31 6 42 12 70.919th
10 ZOLLO-25 -3 29 -9 -31 38 2 1 67.8210th
9 NEUMEISTER-12 -12 35 -3 3 -8 -1 2 66.7811th
14 ARMITAGE-25 13 24 -12 -3 -8 1 -10 66.1512th
12 MORITZ-32 -13 31 29 -23 8 -32 -32 60.7113th
15 KNIGHT-38 -2 -31 30 -31 8 1 -63 54.5114th
13 SMITH 9 -46 -29 -30 -8 -6 -1 -111 40.8915th
16 YOUNG-48 2 -35 -56 8 -38 -42 -209 25.4216th