Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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All Scores - click on the Round Number
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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 WILLIAMS 36 0 33 14 57 18 158 99.031st
4 DEMARCO-4 18 -33 73 29 52 135 83.712nd
3 BIRD 27 19 -9 14 50 -18 83 79.613rd
7 ABDELHAMID 41 30 9 4 -57 19 46 79.574th
2 DE LUCA 49 -30 12 16 -22 37 62 73.995th
6 BAKAS 27 -19 25 -14 -3 37 53 72.286th
11 MACEY 34 0 44 -14 22 -52 34 70.917th
21 VNUK-49 61 8 -17 6 16 25 65.288th
12 KITE-2 -10 14 -8 -6 33 21 63.629th
5 MARLER 7 44 -31 17 -29 0 8 61.7810th
9 ALLANSON 3 0 -12 8 3 0 2 61.2711th
10 FLEET 18 23 31 -4 -50 -37 -19 60.5912th
20 KOZIOL 4 -44 -14 35 45 -19 7 59.5813th
16 NEUMEISTER-36 0 3 -7 6 17 -17 57.4214th
13 JONES-3 10 -25 36 -9 -16 -7 55.3015th
14 LEACH-27 19 28 -16 9 -37 -24 54.9916th
15 BURKE-15 32 -44 2 -45 41 -29 54.1617th
19 KNIGHT-18 -32 55 -36 -6 30 -7 52.0318th
17 ATKINSON-27 -19 -3 22 16 -33 -44 48.1919th
18 HEALEY-7 -18 4 -2 -1 -17 -41 45.8520th
8 MATTHEWS 15 -23 -28 7 1 -30 -58 44.9221st
24 HOUSE-41 -61 -55 -22 22 24 -133 37.4622nd
22 BRADY 2 0 -8 -73 -16 -24 -119 34.9423rd
23 FRICK-34 0 -4 -35 -22 -41 -136 23.5024th