Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Team - click on the Team Name

Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 ImpsVPSPlacing
18 DEATON 19 12 21 52 47.301st
14 DE LUCA 24 4 25 53 46.472nd
13 WILLIAMS 25 -4 24 45 43.143rd
1 HARMS 35 16 -21 30 37.924th
15 SMYTH 49 -16 7 40 37.285th
17 MOTTERAM 2 -4 28 26 37.246th
11 SMOLANKO 32 4 -25 11 32.857th
2 HAFFER-32 28 7 3 32.138th
5 BRADSHAW-24 3 24 3 31.279th
8 BOB CLARKE-2 11 -7 2 30.4510th
16 HUNT 21 -4 -24 -7 27.7111th
3 EMERSON 10 -12 -7 -9 26.6112th
7 MORGAN KING-21 -3 8 -16 25.1713th
12 PARROTT-10 4 -24 -30 20.5814th
10 LEONIE CLARKE-35 -14 10 -39 19.7015th
6 JEFF TRAVIS-49 14 -28 -63 16.9216th
9 DEMARCO-19 -11 -8 -38 16.5617th
4 LOCKWOOD-25 -28 -10 -63 10.6818th