Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Team - click on the Team Name

Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ImpsVPSPlacing
4 BAKAS 24 8 14 12 7 23 11 99 103.741st
5 BROOKS 33 -2 4 -12 23 18 29 93 96.562nd
2 GUE 24 -8 -4 12 50 -24 31 81 88.133rd
3 COOKE 11 12 -14 23 2 -18 48 64 85.494th
1 STURGUL 25 2 3 15 -7 24 -48 14 79.395th
13 MATTHEWS-7 -11 -8 14 18 -15 9 0 69.206th
10 LEACH-25 -7 24 -12 10 15 -11 -6 67.567th
11 AUFDERHEIDE-4 11 15 -15 -50 15 -9 -37 64.208th
7 WILLIAMS 7 -12 -15 -15 31 -17 6 -15 63.129th
9 HEALEY-24 6 16 20 -2 -23 -29 -36 60.8910th
14 DONOGHUE 4 11 -3 -23 -23 17 -31 -48 57.4911th
8 ROLLOND-33 7 -16 15 -18 -15 9 -51 55.9112th
12 ROBERTSON-11 -11 8 -20 -10 -24 -6 -74 44.9913th
6 WARD-24 -6 -24 -14 -31 24 -9 -84 43.3314th