Hand RecordsPossible SubstitutesRecord a Substitution Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 Net ImpsVPSPlacingSect
5 DE LUCA7823115750 174 92.001stA
2 WILLIAMS293730-15-919 91 80.122ndA
6 EDDIE46-2317-91773 121 79.803rdA
4 DEATON17211924-7-19 55 73.974thA
1 MARKEY2233-30958 47 72.835thA
7 PORTER3443-1-249-8 53 70.306thA
3 CHERRY29-331327-246 18 65.517thA
8 BIRD33-37-1318-1743 27 64.718thA
12 MOTTERAM39-43-13224-50 1 63.109thA
11 HOOPER1817-19-2716-4 60.0810thA
9 BRADSHAW1-211218-5-6-1 59.7511thB
10 HARRIS2-194-18-1267 24 58.5512thA
19 EDWARDS-17285-3212-6-10 57.9213thC
13 LEACH-348-4-291724-18 57.3114thB
22 DOHNT-33-12171041-73-50 55.1715thC
14 NAGY-2936-17-1812-1-17 54.6816thA
18 BOYCE-22-361514-3328-34 53.8217thB
21 DEMARCO-1-28-5-14-734-21 52.8818thC
15 WELCH-171-1229-411-39 50.9019thB
17 TOH-2912-44-1-43-61 47.5020thB
16 LUKE-78135-1013-54-111 46.2321stB
23 WEBSTER-39-8-179-12-34-101 36.2422ndC
20 ZISSIS-46-13-15-97-67-143 32.4623rdC