Hand RecordsDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
4 DE LUCA 23 24 19 3 8 23 100 86.191st
3 ZOLLO 33 43 44 19 -8 -7 124 85.592nd
2 SMYTH 71 57 28 -19 34 -23 148 83.443rd
1 EDDIE 61 69 -28 -3 15 7 121 78.664th
12 MADDERN-71 45 0 55 25 -3 51 74.125th
7 FRASER 59 -69 -10 4 27 3 14 65.846th
9 LEACH 40 -43 12 30 -34 10 15 65.517th
10 LOCKWOOD-61 31 0 -4 22 1 -11 61.908th
5 MARLER 17 71 -44 11 -15 -10 30 61.839th
11 MARC'S TEAM-33 36 -19 -10 46 -1 19 61.1310th
15 ALEXANDER-23 8 44 -11 -25 -1 -8 55.6911th
8 BOYCE 80 -57 10 -30 -22 17 -2 54.9112th
18 GARY'S TEAM-21 -71 -44 34 28 13 -61 53.7413th
6 BROOKS 21 -24 -12 10 -27 1 -31 52.7014th
14 REED-17 -8 42 -55 -46 2 -82 43.2415th
13 PARROTT-59 -31 24 -34 22 -17 -95 42.2316th
16 MORGAN KING-40 -36 -42 44 -22 -13 -109 34.5317th
17 DEMARCO-80 -45 -24 -44 -28 -2 -223 18.7518th