Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 DUNBAR 14 -24 27 2 34 20 73 81.821st
2 DE LUCA 10 22 18 8 25 -20 63 80.832nd
12 LEACH 28 3 -18 41 -2 22 74 79.203rd
3 LUSK 26 8 -2 -2 2 11 43 74.034th
9 PUSKAS 19 -8 9 29 -25 18 42 73.275th
4 ALEXANDER-14 -6 -13 46 3 23 39 66.326th
5 ALLANSON-19 32 -13 4 28 -11 21 63.397th
14 BURKE 15 24 2 -29 14 -22 4 63.258th
15 HARTLEY-10 -3 -16 17 3 20 11 62.949th
8 BRADSHAW 14 -22 -27 45 -28 34 16 61.1310th
10 KITE-15 -4 13 -4 -3 8 -5 57.9611th
6 HOOLE 37 -3 19 -8 -34 -18 -7 56.2512th
11 BROOKS-14 4 16 -11 -3 -4 -12 55.1813th
16 HAYLES-37 25 13 -41 30 -23 -33 54.2314th
7 JONES 7 3 -19 11 -14 -8 -20 53.8215th
17 HAAN-7 6 -9 -45 4 4 -47 49.5216th
18 HARMS-28 -25 -1 -46 -4 -20 -124 25.8917th
13 BRADY-26 -32 1 -17 -30 -34 -138 20.9718th