Hand RecordsPossible SubstitutesDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ImpsVPSPlacing
3 HARMS 103 3 10 35 32 41 -11 0 56 34 303 151.981st
1 ZOLLO 75 -3 20 16 21 16 31 -54 23 10 155 134.772nd
7 HOCKING 40 13 -2 -1 46 -41 26 54 -3 11 143 130.163rd
2 DE LUCA-3 49 -20 42 9 17 11 21 3 -17 112 124.154th
4 CHERRY-20 -6 12 32 69 -16 -26 44 -4 17 102 115.115th
15 TRAVIS 19 6 -10 76 -32 27 13 -21 -23 38 93 113.756th
12 CLARKE-12 24 -30 -32 29 24 -9 -7 28 31 46 110.137th
9 JAPPE 3 55 -10 -12 1 9 -12 7 24 -10 55 109.218th
6 SMYTH 20 26 2 -16 11 -17 12 0 31 -38 31 108.989th
5 COLMER 13 17 10 1 -9 -38 44 20 4 -34 28 108.5710th
14 HILL 42 -13 30 -35 -1 59 -13 -20 -31 42 60 106.3311th
8 HAFFER-21 6 67 25 -21 -27 41 46 -56 -11 49 105.0012th
13 MORGAN-KING-42 14 -27 5 -29 5 20 -27 43 38 0 100.6713th
20 NIKOLIC 12 -17 -32 6 22 -21 3 27 -16 13 -3 100.3914th
10 ALEXANDER-13 10 34 -9 -69 10 -41 2 31 13 -32 100.1815th
21 THOMPSON 16 -6 -24 12 42 38 -31 -46 16 -31 -14 97.7516th
18 TRZESINSKI 5 20 -7 -76 -22 14 8 25 -24 0 -57 95.6017th
28 BROOKS 12 6 7 12 -46 21 -44 14 -16 -13 -47 94.3218th
25 FUSS-12 -10 12 -12 41 -59 18 -14 3 0 -33 93.9519th
11 MARRETT 8 -6 24 9 -11 -9 9 -44 16 -42 -46 92.9720th
19 HECKER-75 16 27 -42 -4 -9 -2 -2 4 17 -70 92.9421st
29 BRADSHAW-19 9 38 -25 -42 9 -8 6 -28 21 -39 91.8422nd
23 FLEET-40 -14 15 -6 33 -24 -18 -13 -4 43 -28 90.3123rd
24 GUNNER-16 -9 -12 -5 -33 38 22 -25 22 -13 -31 89.8824th
22 LEACH 21 -26 -34 -18 15 -14 2 -11 45 -38 -58 85.0725th
16 WALTERS-8 -24 -12 -15 12 17 -3 -6 -3 -17 -59 83.5326th
30 DOHNT 5 -20 -67 1 -15 -5 8 13 -22 -21 -123 75.9127th
17 MARLER-5 -55 -4 15 4 -10 -22 11 -43 -18 -127 73.6928th
26 ROLLOND-5 -49 4 18 -41 -17 -8 48 -31 -43 -124 72.9029th
27 BOYCE-103 -16 -15 -1 -12 -38 -20 -48 -45 18 -280 50.7530th