Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Team - click on the Team Name

Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 PEARSON 21 33 8 8 39 13 2 124 106.911st
10 AUFDERHEIDE 25 13 -8 30 -8 35 -24 63 86.122nd
5 FRASER-16 17 -3 3 15 0 24 40 82.793rd
7 TRZESINSKI-1 -1 20 1 8 -13 10 24 78.244th
2 STURGUL 7 6 -8 -8 15 11 -2 21 77.415th
4 PARIS 16 -33 -13 38 -15 21 11 25 77.026th
8 HEALEY-7 -9 13 -22 -13 43 43 48 76.877th
3 FLEET-2 1 3 22 -39 5 16 6 75.678th
14 CRAWFORD 4 -6 -20 -3 37 -5 10 17 72.629th
9 YOUTH + 1-21 -17 23 34 15 -11 -10 13 71.0210th
6 BROOKS 22 -13 0 -1 -15 27 -11 9 70.3311th
11 SANDO-4 9 0 8 -12 0 -16 -15 65.0212th
12 ROBERTSON 2 -11 46 -30 -15 -27 20 -15 61.7613th
13 SCICLUNA 1 11 8 -8 12 -35 -43 -54 59.8014th
16 MATTHEWS-25 20 -46 -34 13 -21 -10 -103 44.2115th
15 STORR-22 -20 -23 -38 -37 -43 -20 -203 14.2016th