Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Team - click on the Team Name

Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 WILLIAMS 43 23 29 -21 46 18 138 94.631st
2 SMYTH 37 12 22 21 -5 -13 74 80.622nd
6 GRUND 30 -21 18 -6 12 27 60 77.523rd
10 BAKAS 27 -13 -6 51 2 13 74 76.314th
3 DE LUCA 18 -8 36 22 5 -18 55 75.075th
7 NIKOLIC 27 21 -29 15 -2 5 37 72.766th
4 PEARSON 48 -23 -36 25 60 -5 69 69.107th
8 ALLANSON 15 8 26 6 -46 -2 7 67.598th
21 MILLER-30 11 7 -3 31 2 18 66.619th
5 SHILLING 33 -12 6 -22 -3 25 27 66.1910th
11 COLEMAN 24 13 -22 -15 3 2 5 61.9911th
14 BOYCE-18 -44 -4 6 24 36 0 61.3112th
9 JONES-1 44 -26 -1 -60 40 -4 61.1713th
16 HEALEY-37 38 10 1 -12 -2 -2 59.0914th
19 NEUMEISTER-48 49 -10 3 18 -27 -15 55.6215th
17 ATKINSON-15 18 -18 -25 -9 25 -24 51.3116th
18 ADAMS-27 3 22 -51 9 -25 -69 46.2617th
13 CHAMBERS 1 -18 -7 6 -18 -36 -72 38.8518th
12 RAMSEY-33 -38 19 -6 7 -40 -91 38.5319th
15 BRADY-43 -49 -19 8 -24 27 -100 37.4520th
20 MATTHEWS-24 -3 4 -6 -31 -27 -87 34.2721st
22 SALEM-27 -11 -22 -8 -7 -25 -100 27.7622nd