Hand RecordsDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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All Scores - click on the Round Number
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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 EDDIE 46 17 8 -19 34 70 156 88.721st
2 HARMS 72 4 71 19 22 -23 165 86.152nd
4 DE LUCA 74 -4 28 30 -34 29 123 81.733rd
3 ZOLLO 31 24 -8 -30 54 23 94 79.424th
5 MARLER 47 -17 -7 -1 46 -29 39 64.265th
6 NORRIS 3 22 -28 18 -22 2 -5 59.766th
13 KING-3 57 -71 17 -54 23 -31 59.687th
7 EMERSON 42 -24 7 -18 41 -70 -22 58.458th
8 CLARKE-46 21 10 1 -41 24 -31 57.189th
12 NIKOLIC-47 -21 49 -17 11 -2 -27 52.6710th
11 ROLLOND-74 23 -10 19 -46 -8 -96 46.4211th
10 BOYCE-31 -22 -49 6 -7 8 -95 39.9212th
9 LOCKWOOD-72 -23 6 -6 -11 -23 -129 35.0813th
14 DONOGHUE-42 -57 -6 -19 7 -24 -141 30.5514th