Hand RecordsPossible SubstitutesDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 DOECKE 33 10 34 17 16 73 8 19 210 124.641st
4 COLMER 44 25 71 -17 19 7 31 -16 164 110.442nd
6 CLARKE-13 11 34 -34 48 24 -8 16 78 96.803rd
2 ZOLLO 54 -17 48 13 -16 -7 -3 17 89 95.284th
5 LUSK 52 17 -71 63 4 -73 5 26 23 93.535th
3 LORIMER 26 -10 103 -13 -4 -24 15 20 113 91.846th
9 BREMNER 9 5 -103 54 -18 42 3 -19 -27 83.827th
10 BENNETT 23 -16 11 34 -19 -42 -15 25 1 80.608th
8 GUNNER 37 -25 -7 16 18 -9 -5 -17 8 80.029th
7 ALEXANDER-13 37 -48 26 38 9 -31 -26 -8 78.7110th
13 NETTLE-26 -30 90 25 -38 23 9 -25 28 76.9611th
18 BROOKS-37 -1 24 -25 -17 22 3 9 -22 76.1512th
16 NORRIS 13 16 -34 -16 19 -23 15 -20 -30 74.2313th
11 ROUGHAN-33 30 -11 -26 17 -24 -12 2 -57 65.7314th
20 MADDERN-23 -37 -90 16 -14 10 -3 29 -112 65.4515th
14 MATTHEWS-44 1 -20 -16 8 -10 15 -2 -68 64.7816th
19 SOFTLEY-9 -11 -24 16 -19 24 -9 -29 -61 63.8417th
15 KITE-52 -8 20 -54 14 -22 -15 16 -101 61.8818th
17 LEACH 13 -5 7 -63 -48 10 -15 -16 -117 59.3819th
12 ANDREWS-54 8 -34 -16 -8 -10 12 -9 -111 55.9320th