Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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All Scores - click on the Round Number
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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
13 JONES 8 3 9 26 22 1 69 82.861st
8 MOLLER 47 -1 -10 28 17 -1 80 79.142nd
1 WILLIAMS 19 0 4 21 -17 25 52 76.333rd
11 BRADSHAW 3 10 -9 0 14 18 36 72.554th
5 WALTERS 43 1 14 6 -22 -1 41 70.485th
7 NORRIS 29 19 -14 -21 0 22 35 69.706th
2 WHITFORD-3 22 -4 30 -9 1 37 69.327th
3 HOCKING 22 0 10 -6 9 -18 17 65.718th
9 HOOLE 25 -19 -14 -30 23 10 -5 58.819th
4 SHILLING-8 -10 5 10 21 -25 -7 58.1110th
12 BURKE-22 6 -5 29 0 -10 -2 57.9111th
14 KITE-43 40 -16 -10 -8 62 25 57.3412th
15 WARD 8 -3 14 -28 -14 5 -18 55.8613th
6 FOREMAN-8 -22 26 0 8 -22 -18 53.8914th
16 THOMPSON-29 31 16 -26 -21 1 -28 51.8815th
10 ALLANSON-19 -6 -26 3 25 -5 -28 50.3916th
17 BRADY-47 -40 -15 -3 -23 -1 -129 26.2217th
18 BOTH-25 -31 15 -29 -25 -62 -157 23.4918th