Hand RecordsPossible SubstitutesDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ImpsVPSPlacing
2 DE LUCA-19 67 23 34 46 14 3 -13 -8 69 216 136.271st
14 PAGE-HANIFY 17 25 0 0 11 25 -3 5 46 2 128 130.622nd
4 HARMS-37 27 54 29 -46 24 -14 56 23 7 123 126.213rd
3 ZOLLO 1 39 12 12 -7 -5 12 27 8 -2 97 123.654th
5 CHERRY 28 7 33 9 7 -14 14 -5 -20 40 99 122.795th
7 JAPPE 13 12 36 -9 -11 5 42 13 -23 16 94 121.696th
1 DOECKE-17 -67 28 54 10 7 5 20 20 -7 53 116.997th
9 ALEXANDER 40 0 -23 2 9 -7 27 -27 -8 42 55 109.988th
12 SMYTH 23 -6 -18 29 37 -25 -42 12 -9 29 30 106.849th
19 NIKOLIC-19 22 -37 3 22 35 -5 -56 12 11 -12 102.0910th
6 COLMER 19 0 18 -12 8 -13 47 -20 9 -69 -13 101.7711th
10 CLARKE 16 -12 25 -2 -8 -7 0 12 14 -40 -2 100.9212th
15 NORRIS 19 -25 37 -16 -37 -19 72 9 -14 5 31 99.7013th
13 SMITH 28 -7 18 -29 14 13 -12 25 -46 -16 -12 99.4514th
11 SHILLING 23 6 -12 16 -9 -24 0 6 -33 16 -11 98.7215th
8 BABISZEWSKI 20 -12 -18 11 -10 25 -27 -6 -12 21 -8 96.9616th
17 GRUND 37 12 -33 -34 25 7 -47 -9 26 -11 -27 96.0317th
16 MORGAN-KING-1 28 -36 -29 23 -25 44 -12 33 -42 -17 95.4718th
18 PHILLIPS-28 45 -25 -3 -25 37 25 -25 8 -29 -20 92.4619th
20 DOHNT-13 -39 60 -11 -22 19 -25 -12 20 -9 -32 87.0420th
22 HOOLE-40 -22 -60 13 25 -37 -13 8 46 -5 -85 84.0421st
21 TRZESINSKI-20 -27 -28 -13 27 11 -72 -1 -26 38 -111 78.9722nd
24 BOYCE-23 -39 0 0 -23 -11 23 -8 1 -21 -101 75.0723rd
23 LEACH-16 -28 -54 -54 -27 -5 13 5 -1 9 -158 68.7524th
26 WATERHOUSE-28 -45 0 0 -25 5 -23 1 -20 -16 -151 64.4825th
25 YOUTH + 1-23 39 0 0 -14 -35 -44 -5 -46 -38 -166 63.0226th