Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Team - click on the Team Name

Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
3 ABC 3 43 -5 11 9 31 28 117 92.071st
6 GLENELG 2 5 12 -11 14 7 18 45 76.082nd
1 ABC 1 7 64 9 -9 -11 8 68 71.813rd
18 SA YOUTH-5 19 8 41 -31 -3 29 67.354th
10 BIC 2-6 -12 38 30 11 -28 33 67.115th
15 GLENELG 25 5 -8 7 -1 -8 20 65.646th
4 ST VINCENT 1 11 -9 -20 1 7 19 9 63.627th
12 GAWLER 2-11 17 -8 68 1 -18 49 62.998th
2 BROKEN HILL 6 -11 20 -14 4 3 8 62.779th
9 ABC 5 19 9 -9 -7 -7 1 6 61.1210th
13 ST VINCENT 2-25 6 24 -30 -4 16 -13 57.6811th
14 ABC 2 7 11 8 -41 -7 -1 -23 56.9212th
7 BIC 1-11 -1 -38 11 -10 24 -25 53.5913th
17 ST VINCENT 3-7 1 -24 -1 -20 29 -22 51.6714th
11 BAROSSA-7 -19 -15 10 10 -19 -40 47.0815th
5 ABC 4-19 -17 3 -11 20 -16 -40 46.1716th
16 REYNELLA 11 -64 15 -68 5 -29 -130 43.1617th
8 GAWLER 1-43 -6 -3 -10 -5 -24 -91 33.1818th