Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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All Scores - click on the Round Number
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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 JAPPE 36 35 28 8 9 7 -7 116 102.971st
9 LEACH 3 -11 29 -6 13 12 7 47 84.822nd
5 TRZESINSKI 4 -15 15 30 -9 14 1 40 81.993rd
11 LUKE-12 12 16 6 23 -7 -1 37 81.814th
7 HART 33 -35 -29 24 10 16 5 24 80.135th
8 NIKOLIC 10 15 6 -8 18 -12 -5 24 77.876th
2 FLEET 12 5 -6 4 30 -14 -3 28 77.837th
12 DOHNT-36 -3 29 29 -23 24 3 23 77.388th
4 HECKER-14 30 7 6 -18 -16 18 13 73.119th
10 KITE-12 -12 -29 5 5 48 18 23 73.1010th
14 CLARK-15 -30 15 20 -13 32 -18 -9 66.1011th
3 FALLON-3 25 -7 -4 -10 -24 10 -13 64.4812th
17 GUE-4 11 16 -6 -30 -32 4 -41 60.1113th
13 MORGAN 14 -15 -16 -20 7 8 -10 -32 59.8914th
6 FRASER 12 -5 -16 -29 27 -8 -18 -37 57.3915th
16 WALSHE-10 -25 -15 -24 -5 0 44 -35 54.1416th
18 MEHUYS-33 3 -15 -5 -7 0 -4 -61 50.7217th
15 BRADY 15 15 -28 -30 -27 -48 -44 -147 36.1818th