Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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All Scores - click on the Round Number
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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
2 TRAVIS 53 38 29 38 27 23 208 112.181st
1 DE LUCA 7 25 18 17 -27 26 66 81.842nd
10 ALLANSON 34 35 -29 -17 61 8 92 77.243rd
5 ALEXANDER 9 15 35 -38 -11 24 34 71.524th
6 HARRIS 28 -2 6 3 -11 12 36 71.175th
13 RAMSAY-7 -49 48 2 7 48 49 70.866th
4 SMYTH 3 -6 13 52 11 -23 50 70.517th
18 NEUMEISTER-28 -10 -22 43 34 30 47 68.638th
9 HOPKINS 53 -38 7 11 11 -8 36 68.339th
16 HEALEY-3 -13 22 9 19 -12 22 66.2510th
3 WALTERS-5 49 -35 11 35 -26 29 64.3511th
11 LEACH 19 -15 7 -3 -35 34 7 62.3712th
7 CLARKE 1 6 -7 -9 31 -24 -2 57.8513th
15 CADDY 5 -25 -14 43 -61 16 -36 55.0814th
12 GENET 33 -35 -13 -2 -31 33 -15 54.4815th
8 JONES 28 2 -18 -11 -7 -5 -11 54.0016th
19 WILLIAMS-1 13 -7 -10 18 -48 -35 53.6917th
14 BOYCE-53 14 14 -11 -18 5 -49 51.8918th
20 BRADY-28 10 21 10 -19 -34 -40 50.9919th
17 SCHUSTER-9 39 -6 -52 15 -30 -43 50.6120th
24 CASPAR-33 33 -21 -43 -15 -3 -82 36.8121st
23 BLINMAN-19 -39 10 -43 -9 3 -97 35.7422nd
21 WHITE-53 -14 -48 1 9 -16 -121 33.4323rd
22 BIRD-34 -33 -10 -1 -34 -33 -145 20.1824th