Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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All Scores - click on the Round Number
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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 WILLIAMS 30 15 6 41 -15 33 110 89.47 1
2 BENNETT 17 24 -6 25 10 4 74 83.58 2
4 ALEXANDER 31 -15 33 -25 7 24 55 74.71 3
3 NORRIS 11 -24 21 10 15 -24 9 65.17 4
5 HOOLE 5 10 27 -41 -10 -1 -10 59.63 5
7 KITE-30 -7 10 4 17 -4 -10 58.38 6
10 DURRANT-31 7 -7 -2 -3 9 -27 52.79 7
9 JONES-11 -14 7 -4 -3 1 -24 51.23 8
11 KENNY-5 -49 -10 4 3 3 -54 48.38 9
6 PATERSON-1 49 -27 -10 -7 -33 -29 46.31 10
12 NEUMEISTER 1 -10 -21 -4 3 -9 -40 46.13 11
8 ROBERTSON-17 14 -33 2 -17 -3 -54 44.22 12