Morning Hand Records Afternoon Hand Records Datums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Team - click on the Team Name

Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 PARROTT 33 -5 36 2 19 28 113 91.16 1
14 BRITTON 17 -34 28 8 22 22 63 81.73 2
2 EMERSON 11 34 14 -2 0 6 63 79.58 3
4 MARLER 28 5 -11 13 25 -6 54 75.76 4
7 MAY 45 6 -14 7 -25 16 35 68.23 5
9 MROCZEK 40 -5 5 19 0 -28 31 67.93 6
6 BYRNE-1 8 -36 1 16 8 -4 62.49 7
5 STURGUL-17 -8 44 -6 36 -16 33 62.46 8
8 PHILLIPS 49 -6 -5 -13 -22 24 27 61.26 9
13 KEMPE-28 -27 33 -1 15 7 -1 60.49 10
3 WALTERS 34 5 11 -7 -19 -22 2 59.20 11
11 HAPEK-11 3 -6 6 -15 13 -10 56.63 12
16 PALTRIDGE-45 10 -28 13 15 -8 -43 52.53 13
15 ALTSCHWAGER 1 -3 -21 -13 22 -7 -21 51.93 14
12 NEUMEISTER-34 32 21 -19 -36 -15 -51 45.68 15
10 CLARK-33 27 6 -8 -16 -24 -48 45.53 16
17 DAVEY-49 -10 -44 -3 -22 15 -113 33.29 17
18 HONDOW-40 -32 -33 3 -15 -13 -130 24.11 18