Hand RecordsDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Final Round

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Mastersheet Showing Team Names


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 Peter Colmer, Attilio De Luca, Andrew Eddie, Susan Emerson, Judy Hocking, Kevin Lange 54 -16 48 -17 23 48 25 25 190 117.60 1
4 Alison Fallon, Gordon Fallon, Judy Hone, David Lusk, Sue Lusk, Barbara Marrett 55 16 9 10 2 -1 8 6 105 104.63 2
6 Gamini Amerasinghe, Bob Clarke, Leonie Clarke, Arthur Porter 3 -11 37 3 -2 20 -25 47 72 94.34 3
2 Peter Chan, Roger Januszke, John Kikkert, John Zollo 17 -14 -48 40 45 1 -2 13 52 92.18 4
5 Ann Clarke, Carmel Kain, Chris Lorimer, Angela Norris -17 11 5 14 -23 4 52 -6 40 87.34 5
3 Mike Doecke, David Parrott, Yadi Parrott, George Smolanko 38 4 -9 17 -19 -20 2 20 33 86.97 6
12 Erica Ji, Val Mattsson, Kayoko Miki, Carmel Thompson 17 14 21 -10 19 -48 -3 1 11 86.23 7
7 Adel Abdelhamid, Linda Alexander, Helen Dennis, Jeff Fallon, Deb Wellman 30 -4 -21 -3 -2 3 24 -13 14 81.95 8
9 Rosemary Grund, Felicity Gunner, Heather Motteram, Judith Roberts, Prudie Wagner -17 11 -5 13 2 37 -8 -25 8 80.78 9
11 Di Dunne, Ian Heairfield, Sally Luke, Ken Nixon -55 -18 17 -13 14 -3 3 -6 -61 68.24 10
14 Penny Bowen, Peter De Krey, Brian Leach, Liz Robertson -30 12 -37 -5 -14 -4 6 -1 -73 63.12 11
13 Helen Fleet, Sue Hapek, Jeff Matthews, Corinne Paterson -3 -11 -5 5 -45 -5 -24 6 -82 61.09 12
8 Deb Bennett, Darryl Couzner, Glynn Evans, Pam Morgan-King, Patricia Sharpe, Leigh Thompson -54 18 5 -14 -27 -37 -6 -20 -135 50.92 13
10 Alex Bremner, Helga Corbett, Jackie Franco, Sandy Leach -38 -12 -17 -40 27 5 -52 -47 -174 44.61 14