AM Hand RecordsPM Hand RecordsDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 ABC 1 16 42 17 42 20 137 84.16 1
4 WHYALLA 22 41 -17 11 -9 48 60.75 2
2 ABC 4 35 -41 36 32 -20 42 59.88 3
3 ABC 2-2 15 39 -42 9 19 56.54 4
10 BLUE LAKE 3 -42 4 14 12 -9 51.52 5
9 REYNELLA-22 3 -4 -2 1 -24 43.12 6
6 GLENELG-16 -15 21 -11 -12 -33 39.07 7
7 ABC 3-35 -3 -21 -14 21 -52 36.19 8
5 GAWLER-3 13 -39 -32 -1 -62 35.86 9
8 BAROSSA 2 -13 -36 2 -21 -66 32.90 10