Hand RecordsDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 ImpsVPSPlacing
8 JONES 17 3 41 13 23 97 75.78 1
1 JAPPE 57 33 13 -13 10 100 71.36 2
2 O'LOUGHLIN 61 -33 3 6 12 49 58.97 3
15 SA YOUTH-3 -2 21 -6 20 30 57.82 4
6 TRUSCOTT 18 -3 5 16 -10 26 57.57 5
7 SOUTER 3 1 -3 -11 40 30 55.79 6
4 PAGE 37 -20 -5 22 -23 11 50.89 7
5 AGRAWAL-16 2 19 -22 19 2 50.80 8
3 ABDELHAMID 22 20 -13 -10 -12 7 50.68 9
11 JENSEN-22 -27 27 17 -20 -25 43.16 10
10 TEUBNER-61 -6 -27 24 15 -55 41.98 11
16 STAFFORD-17 -10 -1 -24 23 -29 41.04 12
12 WILSON-37 27 -21 29 -40 -42 40.98 13
9 PEARSON-57 6 1 11 -19 -58 40.50 14
14 BREMNER-18 10 -19 -11 -15 -53 34.23 15
13 KITE 16 -1 -41 -29 -23 -78 31.56 16