Hand RecordsDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 HARMS 24 21 10 27 54 51 187 104.63 1
3 TRAVIS 28 -21 -30 70 20 21 88 76.13 2
4 DEATON 9 19 15 -27 1 4 21 69.16 3
18 ROLLOND 1 20 -15 52 22 -51 29 68.57 4
2 PELLEN-9 13 30 -13 -1 9 29 67.94 5
8 SHAH-1 -13 14 -16 21 20 25 67.49 6
12 HOOLE 9 -6 21 22 -22 -4 20 66.05 7
10 FOREMAN 19 -19 5 16 8 -21 8 63.98 8
9 ALLANSON 55 14 -10 -22 -20 11 28 61.91 9
7 MARLER 40 -14 27 13 -54 -20 -8 60.86 10
5 DE LUCA 9 6 -27 35 -8 -9 6 60.54 11
14 PUSKAS-9 11 -21 10 -21 30 0 59.42 12
6 WALTERS-9 -11 -12 50 -5 7 20 58.80 13
13 LEACH-28 16 -5 -10 6 11 -10 58.14 14
11 ZURAWEL-24 -16 -6 24 32 -11 -1 56.68 15
20 HAAN-19 17 19 -52 5 -11 -41 53.71 16
17 DURRANT-40 5 12 -35 -32 2 -88 39.77 17
16 HAYLES 9 -20 -19 -70 -6 -2 -108 37.48 18
19 WILLIAMS-55 -5 6 -50 15 -30 -119 37.23 19
15 MUNRO-9 -17 -14 -24 -15 -7 -86 30.52 20