AM Hand RecordsPM Hand RecordsDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

The top 4 teams at the end of session 3 played a round robin in the afternoon

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 PARROTT 9 23 7 9 17 5 70 84.58 1
3 STURGUL 27 1 20 -9 7 14 60 79.05 2
2 TRAVIS 23 -1 33 18 -7 -5 61 76.67 3
6 GERBER 40 0 -7 -18 -17 -14 -16 50.25 4
4 MARLER 28 0 -20 15 29 -2 50 74.16 5
9 LELEU-27 2 33 -19 27 2 18 64.32 6
5 BOOMSMA 0 -23 -11 30 -1 23 18 63.85 7
7 PAPANDREA-9 24 -33 9 1 12 4 63.30 8
11 YATES 0 -24 37 19 -29 -6 -3 57.67 9
8 MOLLER-23 -2 11 -15 1 6 -22 53.74 10
10 MOYES-28 21 -33 -9 -1 -23 -73 38.81 11
12 DE CAUX-40 -21 -37 -30 -27 -12 -167 13.58 12