Hand Records Averages Cross Table Possible Substitutes Round Robin Draw


Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Pair - click on their Names
 Pair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Net ImpsVPSPlacing
1 David Middleton & Zolly Nagy 48 6 -5 12 12 -7 24 23 21 14 -31 0 0 117 223 1st
8 David Cherry & John Horowitz 25 27 -8 11 9 33 -3 -7 36 -19 30 0 -55 79 217 2nd
10 Peter Colmer & Andrew Eddie-11 37 12 1 -9 7 26 0 6 17 -12 -20 10 64 213 3rd
4 Mike Doecke & George Smolanko 24 -11 3 12 0 0 -24 0 -13 -12 -10 31 55 55 204 4th
11 Joachim Haffer & Howard Melbourne-25 11 -28 -12 -3 34 -11 34 -3 ? 1 -5 20 25 38 204 5th
3 Philip Markey & Justin Williams 11 -27 24 -31 0 28 -18 -5 9 -1 31 5 -3 23 200 6th
9 Judy Hocking & Kevin Lange-13 -20 -3 -24 14 -34 18 -23 40 19 12 23 7 16 199 7th
2 Roger Januszke & John Zollo 23 3 5 31 -12 -33 11 6 -6 32 -9 -31 -7 13 198 8th
5 Russel Harms & Jeff Travis 13 10 14 -1 9 0 -8 -6 3 -14 ?-30 ? 1 3 -6 195 9th
7 Nicolas Croft & Paul Hudson-23 -10 28 24 -12 27 -24 -19 -36 12 18 -5 -10 -30 187 10th
12 Phil Gallasch & Joff Middleton 9 20 -14 -11 12 -27 -26 5 -21 0 10 16 -25 -52 179 11th
6 Barbara & Lauren Travis-24 -37 8 -7 3 -17 8 19 -9 ? 0 9 -23 0 -70 176 12th
13 John Kikkert & Anthony Lusk-9 -6 -12 7 -14 -28 3 -34 13 -32 -18 -1 ? 18 ?-113 168 13th
14 Alison Fallon & Barbara Marrett-48 -3 -24 -12 -9 17 24 7 -40 -17 5 -16 -18 -134 161 14th

 Pair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Net Imps
61 Attilio De Luca & Joachim Haffer                -3         -3
62 Shane Harrison & Lauren Travis                -9         -9
65 Russel Harms & Shane Harrison                  -14 -30     -44
70 Chris Lorimer & Anthony Lusk                      -1 18 17