Hand Records Averages Cross Table


Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Pair - click on their Names
 Pair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Net ImpsVPSPlacing
8 Susan Phillips & Jackie Ward 26 5 -6 29 21 25 3 103 140 1st
1 Pam Morgan-King & Yadi Parrott-26 15 23 19 18 14 12 75 130 2nd
3 Heather Motteram & Judith Roberts 16 12 11 24 -21 -14 -4 24 113 3rd
7 Leonie Clarke & Felicity Smyth-15 5 -23 10 25 28 -3 27 113 4th
13 Carolyn Leach & Wendy Webster 2 0 -8 -10 18 13 4 19 111 5th
9 Wendy Andrews & Ann Cottrell 12 18 6 -24 25 -13 -12 12 109 6th
5 Rosemary Grund & Anne Harris 19 -12 5 -29 3 14 -5 -5 103 7th
4 Carmel Kain & Angela Norris 31 -5 -11 -19 -25 6 5 -18 99 8th
10 Jinny Fuss & Dianne Marler-16 18 -5 -14 -18 0 18 -17 99 9th
2 Felicity Gunner & Prudie Wagner-12 0 -1 12 -3 -28 10 -22 98 10th
14 Sally Fraser & Catherine Thredgold 15 -18 8 14 -18 -25 -8 -32 95 11th
6 Jill Allanson & Jill Lawson-2 -5 1 -9 9 -14 -18 -38 91 12th
12 Yvette Bolaffi & Jackie Franco-19 -18 -5 -12 -9 -6 8 -61 85 13th
11 Joan Allister & Marlene Millar-31 -15 5 9 -25 0 -10 -67 84 14th