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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Names


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ImpsVPSPlacing
1 Russel Harms, Philip Markey, Jeff Travis, Justin Williams 60 22 62 -7 73 27 -9 23 -6 38 9 292 222 1
3 Peter Chan, Alison Fallon, Gordon Fallon, Roger Januszke, Zhen Tie Song, John Zollo 62 22 23 -16 2 19 22 22 6 12 -12 162 201 2
2 Mike Doecke, Judy Hocking, Kevin Lange, David Parrott, Yadi Parrott, George Smolanko -19 38 12 2 -25 38 -22 58 63 39 -9 175 198 3
4 Peter Colmer, Attilio De Luca, Gary Deaton, Andrew Eddie, Susan Emerson 18 -24 16 16 0 46 9 58 43 -39 -19 124 189 4
5 John Kikkert, Anthony Lusk, Sue Lusk, Barbara Marrett, Warren Neill 21 -12 9 -2 28 87 9 47 -43 -38 12 118 183 5
8 Linda Alexander, Helen Dennis, Trent Johnson, Michael Ward -21 24 3 2 25 -27 9 -22 46 20 -32 27 170 6
6 Deb Bennett, Ann Clarke, Bob Clarke, Leonie Clarke, Carmel Kain, Arthur Porter 4 25 -3 7 25 29 -9 -33 -63 -12 19 -11 164 7
11 Alex Bremner, Helga Corbett, Jeff Fallon, Deb Wellman 19 -22 -23 -2 -28 -46 58 33 13 -45 37 -6 158 8
7 Wendy Andrews, Darryl Couzner, Julie Thiele, Leigh Thompson -18 -25 -9 23 -73 -19 6 -58 111 45 32 15 153 9
9 Felicity Gunner, Heather Motteram, Judith Roberts, Prudie Wagner -4 12 -16 10 -2 -38 -9 -23 -111 5 -37 -213 124 10
10 Jackie Franco, Jinny Fuss, John Roughan, Graham Terry -60 -22 -12 -10 0 -29 -6 -47 -13 -20 71 -148 121 11
12 Di Fallon, Nikki Mortier, Jill Schuster, Heather Sloan -62 -38 -62 -23 -25 -87 -58 -58 -46 -5 -71 -535 44 12