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Final Round

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Mastersheet Showing Team Names


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ImpsVPSPlacing
2 Nicolas Croft, Joachim Haffer, Paul Hudson, Roger Januszke, John Zollo 33 -12 31 38 47 29 4 34 -6 34 232 205 1
4 Robert Bignall, Howard Melbourne, Barbara Travis, Lauren Travis 30 1 -13 36 -10 -4 39 -34 21 52 118 177 2
3 David Anderson, Mike Doecke, David Middleton, Zolly Nagy, George Smolanko -33 -9 54 22 11 -2 2 49 6 1 101 169 3
1 Russel Harms, Philip Markey, Jeff Travis, Justin Williams 34 12 -15 -9 -11 21 42 19 -21 -1 71 167 4
6 David Cherry, Phil Gallasch, John Horowitz, Joff Middleton -28 20 54 9 22 3 -4 24 14 -52 62 162 5
7 Peter Colmer, Andrew Eddie, Judy Hocking, Kevin Lange 3 16 -31 32 -11 14 59 -19 -14 10 59 159 6
10 Linda Alexander, Linda Babiszewski, Ann Clarke, Dianne Marler 27 13 -21 19 -22 2 -59 20 3 48 30 158 7
5 Peter Chan, Attilio De Luca, John Kikkert, Anthony Lusk, David Lusk, Sue Lusk 54 2 27 -38 11 4 -2 -24 -12 1 23 153 8
11 David Parrott, Yadi Parrott, Susan Phillips, David Smyth 26 -19 0 -22 -11 16 3 62 12 -34 33 153 9
9 Ken Hocking, Chris Lorimer, Graham Pellen, Greg Sargent 45 -2 21 58 -47 -3 -39 8 -5 -10 26 152 10
13 Glynn Evans, Robert Hecker, Walter Kuiper, Pam Morgan-King, Leigh Thompson -34 29 -54 21 -9 -6 -7 17 54 -1 10 152 11
8 Gary Deaton, Susan Emerson, Alison Fallon, Gordon Fallon, Barbara Marrett 19 19 -27 49 10 -29 -42 7 5 3 14 151 12
12 David Black, Phil Cheney, Andrew Hill, David Shilling 10 -16 0 -3 11 -21 17 -8 17 -3 4 150 13
15 David Garland, Carmel Kain, Angela Norris, John Roper 33 -1 15 -58 11 -14 2 -7 -3 -5 -27 146 14
20 Evan Allanson, Anne Harris, John Roughan, Paul Walker -19 61 3 -19 -11 28 -2 -49 18 -8 2 145 15
22 Brian Leach, Carolyn Leach, Sandy Leach, Peter Mika -27 -20 23 -21 13 1 -17 -18 12 24 -30 143 16
18 Alex Bremner, Milton Hart, Sharmini Hoole, Carmel Thompson 28 -13 -3 -36 -13 -1 -8 22 -17 -12 -53 137 17
16 Jill Allanson, Wendy Hooper, Jill Lawson, Deb Wellman -30 9 5 3 13 -28 -3 -20 -9 -1 -61 135 18
23 Lucy Barua, Ruth Chapman, Rosemary Cornish, Sue Nirta -26 -61 12 -14 28 10 8 -17 -12 5 -67 135 19
14 Rosemary Grund, Felicity Gunner, Heather Motteram, Judith Roberts, Prudie Wagner -33 -29 -23 15 -28 28 41 -62 9 8 -74 133 20
19 Yvette Bolaffi, Jackie Franco, John Pearson, Georg Trzesinski, Jerry Worboys -3 11 13 -49 9 -16 -31 18 19 -48 -77 131 21
21 Julie Boyce, Bill Lockwood, Norma Newton, Cherry Trengove, Wendy Webster -45 -13 -12 -15 10 6 31 -22 -18 1 -77 131 22
17 Helen Dennis, Jinny Fuss, Stewart Kingsborough, Helen Luxton -54 13 -54 14 -13 -28 7 21 -19 12 -101 126 23
24 Dee Baird, Andy Duncan, Sue Hapek, Helen Kite, Helen Rollond -10 -11 -5 -32 -10 -10 -41 -21 -54 -24 -218 99 24