Hand RecordsDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

Match Scores - click on the Score
All Scores - click on the Round Number
All results for a Team - click on the Team Name

Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 ImpsVPSPlacing
6 GLENELG 2-7 -5 44 41 26 99 99 1
8 GLENELG 1 24 33 5 17 -26 53 90 2
3 ABC 4 20 38 -5 -41 35 47 89 3
4 ST VINCENTS-32 28 0 17 17 30 84 4
7 STEPBRIDGE-32 29 0 33 2 32 84 5
2 WHYALLA 42 27 -12 -17 -2 38 84 6
1 ABC 2-24 -28 26 13 45 32 81 7
10 ABC 3-20 5 48 10 -17 26 78 8
14 GLENELG 3 32 -33 -10 -17 31 3 76 9
13 BITC 7 -1 12 -10 -45 -37 65 10
5 ABC 1-10 1 -44 -13 18 -48 61 11
11 GAWLER 32 -27 10 -33 -35 -53 60 12
9 BAROSSA-42 -29 -26 4 -18 -111 45 13
12 REYNELLA 10 -38 -48 -4 -31 -111 45 14