Hand RecordsDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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All Scores - click on the Round Number
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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 ImpsVPSPlacing
4 HOOLE 13 34 8 11 22 88 99 1
1 BARRIE 29 22 -8 7 22 72 95 2
8 LEACH-29 25 -2 35 17 46 88 3
6 PUSKAS 14 24 28 -11 -22 33 85 4
3 THOMPSON 21 -22 2 54 -22 33 80 5
7 WILLEMSE-15 12 4 -4 22 19 80 6
5 LOCKWOOD-15 20 31 -7 -17 12 79 7
12 KNOWLES 15 12 -28 4 6 9 76 8
10 CORNISH-21 -25 34 18 -6 0 75 9
2 FOREMAN 17 -12 -31 -35 53 -8 68 10
9 HOLDER-17 -12 -10 -18 30 -27 67 11
13 PORTER-14 -34 -34 18 -22 -86 52 12
11 MAXWELL-13 -20 -4 -18 -30 -85 51 13
14 HAPEK 15 -24 10 -54 -53 -106 47 14